Thursday, October 13, 2011

Career Research Project - parenthetical citations, bibliographies...and Sakai!

  • Students in Mrs. Hochstin's Healthy Independent Living course are busy working on a career research paper this semester.  First, all of the students had to demonstrate they understood the parts of a citation as the assignment required a bibliography ('Works Cited') and at least one parenthetical citation for a direct quote or paraphrase from a source.

  •  The librarian provided a brief tutorial on using EasyBib to prepare bibliographies  and showed recommended web sites and print resources.  She then introduced the students to the school's new electronic portfolio system, Sakai, where students can find the necessary resources and web sites for this project, as well as instructions to submit their 'Works Cited' page using the Drop-Box feature.  We are living in the digital age so we are not wasting paper by printing out drafts and revisions!

Students must use print AND electronic resources

Students are researching in the library and the Mac Lab

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